Thursday, August 31, 2006
Mas Oyama
This karate master is what I strive to achieve. I wish I had the ability to train as he did; alone, in the mountains, pushing myself to the limits both mentally and physically. Check out what this man achieved.
Tool of the Day: Pat Buchanan
That is really all we are, just human beings trying to find are place and way around this world. Can we all not just get along?
By the by, it is no suprise that Fox gave this racist the pulpit to spread his hate speach.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The sad state of the press
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The opiate of the masses
I think I will try to catch this one.
Thanks for your service, now Screw You!
Monday, August 28, 2006
World O' Crap
Boss, if you are reading this, I am on hold with IBM because you do not have a clue! So I have to do something while on hold.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Tool of the Day: George W. Bush
Lying liars
Now, this brings up all kinds of questions as to what the hell were BoBo and Darth Vader(Cheney)saying all along about the link between the two. Will the MSM pick up on this or just give another of the infinite free passes they have given this administration since 9.11.01?
Should this answer now be proof that this administration lied to the public about the link in the run up to the war? Should this be the hard evidence of possible impeachment articles being drawn? Obviously, this will not happen since the Republicans control the three branches of the government.
But what this should tell all voters is that the Republicans CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to govern honestly and in the best interest of the people. Only themselves.
Change must come.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tool of the Day: Tramm Hudson
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Tool of the Day: George Allen
Monday, August 14, 2006
The voodoo that you do
Remember the second attack after 9/11?
Btw, notice the panel they have: the Surgeon General David Satcher (Bush appointee) and Bill Frist (whackjob "doctor" who "diagnoses" Terry Schiavo's mental capacities via video tape). Fair and Balanced, indeed. Shame on Public TV, especially given the Republican's attempts to close it down.
And its been 1764 days since it the anthrax letters.
Thanks to AMERICAblog for the reminder.
Really, if you voted for Dubya, how DO you sleep at night?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
"My relative gives good head"
"My grandmother gives good head"
"Come on! Come on, Toshi! Come on!"
Heh. Hilarious.
Bush: Bin Laden 'prime suspect'....NOT.
Seriously though, here is where Bush vows to get Bin Laden.
And here we are 1,789 days later. Don't you feel safe? I sure do.
Inspired by Think Progress.
Ok. I read Daily Kos.
Got that, Mr. Bush? While the terror cells were comprised of Islamic extremists, other Muslims were the ones who saved the world from a terrorist strike that could have been the worst since 9/11. Moderate British Muslims, Mr. Bush, who - thank the Lord for favors - are currently being addressed in their country by John Reid and not you.Indeed.
Egads - More Repub Disgraces
November 2006 - I am Nostradamus
Really, how could anyone call themselves republicans and tie their wagon to these assholes?
Thursday, August 10, 2006
BoBo and the freedom of the press
The Brits and BoBo
This really makes me wonder how much our country is WORSE off than before 9.11. Our foreign ploicy has done nothing but ferment an already sizeable enemy's hatred of us and given them a rallying point (Iraq) and a place to hone their terrorists skills (again Iraq).
I imagine that it will take no less than a generation to ease the hatred toward the U.S. I look forward to how the historians will look back on this administration. My bet is that is will be one of the worst in history.
Tool of the Day: Joe Lieberman
The question now is how deep into the gutter Mr. Lieberman’s ego will drag him.
There’s an overwhelming consensus among national security experts that the war in Iraq has undermined, not strengthened, the fight against terrorism. Yet yesterday Mr. Lieberman, sounding just like Dick Cheney — and acting as a propaganda tool for Republicans trying to Swift-boat the party of which he still claims to be a member — suggested that the changes in Iraq policy that Mr. Lamont wants would be “taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England.”
This man obviously has completely lost his grip on his sanity. This is not what you say about someone in your own party, much less anybody else. I agree with Atrios when he says Joe maybe beyond redemption.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tool of the Day: Roy Blunt
Bill Clinton at his finest
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Who would of thunk it?
The Onion, again and again.
And here:His sole piece of luggage—a black duffel bag—was lost upon his arrival in New York.
Despite hours of waiting, and several U.S. Airways check-in counter workers and Transportation Security Administration screeners joining in the search, the Yemen-born 32-year-old had yet to hear any positive updates. Finally, a baggage claim representative approached him.
"Afraid I've got some bad news," the worker said to Yousef.
Airline personnel had searched the plane, the tarmac, and the gate, but were still unable to locate his bag containing his homemade dirty bomb.
"My trip was ruined," Yousef said. "But Allah will right this wrong."
NEW YORK—Wikipedia, the online, reader-edited encyclopedia, honored the 750th anniversary of American independence on July 25 with a special featured section on its main page Tuesday.Heh. 750th Anniversary.
The Onion, again.
"WASHINGTON, DC—In a decisive 1–0 decision Monday, President Bush voted to grant the president the constitutional power to grant himself additional powers."
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Founding Fathers take a roll
Growing up I was told that if I broke the law, I would be punished. But what do we tell the kids of today. You can not brake the law, but the president can. Not only that, but he can because he is always right. What complete bullshit.
Prosecute them all.
Upon further review: Tool of the Day
Also, Wholeflaffer makes a good point about Dems using fighting words. But I would strongly suggest that given the climate of skewing of comments on on the right side of the aisle and in the blogoshere that Dems walk a very fine line with comments such as these.
I stand corrected and will be more vigilant in my posting.
But Dean is still a tool for the scream.
Rousseau on civilization
I open the books of law and morality, I listen to the sages and the philosophers of law, and, imbued by their insidious speeches, I am led to deplore the miseries of nature, and to admire the peace and justice established by the the civil order. I bless the wisdom of public institutions and console myself about my humanity through seeing myself as a citizen. Well instructed concerning my duties and my happiness, I shut the book, leave the classroom and look around. I see wretched peoples moaning beneath a yoke of iron, the human race crushed by the fist of oppressors, a starving and enfeebled crowd whose blood and tears are drunk in peace by the rich, and everywhere I see the strong armed against the weak with the terrifying power of the laws.
All this takes place peacefully and without resistance; it is the tranquility of the companions of Ulysses shut into the Cyclops cave and waiting their turn to be devoured. One must tremble and keep silent. Let us draw a permanent veil over these horrible phenomena. I lift my eyes and I look into the distance. I notice fires and flames, deserted countryside, pillaged towns. Ferocious men, where are you dragging those wretches? I hear a terrible sound. What a confusion! What cries! I draw closer and I see a theatre of murders, ten thousand men with their throats cut, the dead trampled by the hooves of horses, and everywhere a scene of death and agony. Such is the fruit of these peaceful institutions. Pity and indignation rise up from the the depths of my heart. Barbarous philosopher: try reading us your book on the field of battle.
Retract Tool of the Day?
Now that is not comparing her to Stalin. And it pains me to see some in the lefty Blogoshpere running with the "comparing Harris to Stalin" line.
And isn't it about time that Dems are using fightin' words?